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The Eighth Day of Creation
We present a new information block, system or model of the universe, which we call the 8th Day of Creation.
This system is based on the Torah and the religious experience of the peoples of the world. But at the same time, it is a brand new, even revolutionary. This information refers to the present time and is very important for understanding the current global processes in humanity.
8th Day of Creation, of which we speak, is a logical continuation and consequence of the 7 Days described in the first and second chapters of the Torah, “Genesis” book. Under these Days we understand 7 large stages of the establishment of the world and the humanity. In this concept, the 7th Day of Creation is called the era that, according to the Bible, was started from expulsion of Adam to the Earth, and in the traditional history is considered as “historical time”.
We state:
The 7th Day of Creation is about to end and we are witnessing its completion. The next stage, or epoch, begins: the 8th Day of Creation.
Here is a very brief and informal description of the 8th Day. The Eighth Day is the ideal, that poets, prophets and philosophers of all nations, all religions and ideologies of our world, of our Seventh Day, have been dreaming of since the emergence of humankind. It is a world where there are no individual righteous men but all the people behave in a way befitting a man made in the image and likeness of God. It is a world where everyone understands his life purpose, where there is no “life for the sake of survival”. This era will make war impossible, not because of the absence of technical means, but because no one would have ever thought it, it is just wild and unthinkable as it's hard to imagine that a modern man will kill and eat his neighbor for the sake of a good dinner. This is the development stage where vital human problems are solved, where there is no sense and need to toil from morning till night to earn a crust of bread, and it is released time for other work, for which a man was created.
This is our very near future. It is already approaching, and our children will live in it. Therefore the people who will be able to transfer to the Eighth Day from the expiring Seventh have to be ready! We should understand how the reality of the 8th Day is “arranged”, how a society is organized, what are ethical norms, how an individual will live and work in this new reality.
Thank God, we have the information. Detailed and in-depth.
We have very much information for you. Nevertheless, it is well structured and verified. This course consists of 15 lessons, or chapters, describing basic metaphysical aspects of the ongoing processes. We will publish this course by parts when ready. At the moment, the following chapters are available.
- The 8th Day of Creation: introduction
- General description of the system: definition of the 8th Day, the flows of time, seven Laboratories of transition into the 8th Day.
- Menorah, or the seven-level picture of the world
- Basic symmetrical system of seven levels, describing all aspects of the universe and human activities: 7) idea/meaning, 6) system/structure, 5) plan/program, 4) dialogue/time, 3) economics/energy exchange, 2) state/imagery, 1) action/experience.
- Who is a man of the 8th Day?
- Seven criteria of a man who is ready to live and work in the 8th Day of Creation.
- To be published: Language of the 8th Day: introductory lesson
- Why the 8th Day? What language of the 8th day? What course? Tribes in the march and the structure of 15 lessons. Methods of teaching of the course.
- Briefly about the authors
- 8th Day on Facebook to discuss the course
Welcome to the Eighth Day of Creation!

Y. Rozenshtain, “Crossing the see”